Our restaurant is famous for a long tradition, superb quality of food and services. Some of our satisfied customers keep back to tell us, we are on the right track. We invite you to taste original food dish or some other at your choice from our rich food proposal.
  We enjoy a good cup of wine with shadow platform from our wine list. Our restaurant by three guest accommodation units: give up the traditional indoor can accommodate 60, and the side and classical interior can accommodate 90 people, and terrace, can accommodate 150 people.
  The traditional restaurant, by the owner all the family restaurant business has been engaged in for many years. Our restaurant is very famous traditional cooking quotation with traditional design interior.
  The traditional indoor hall restaurant can accommodate up to 60 people. Interior design is the following the traditional style of regional and still can see in a village near the city. Traditionally used to open fire-place heating, cooking, even in the middle of the cafeteria fireworks leg, as in the ancient fire lit. Fire-place is always the best combination of traditional taste homemade dog food will take you on a journey back in time.
  Classic indoor hall restaurant can accommodate 90 people, it is to point to all kinds of celebration and banquets. Because of the flexibility of the big table arrangement, we can put the desk and adapt to the local suites of different requirements and have no taste. Adornment is in dining-room, sitting in the arrangement, interior decoration chair and other things on your choice.

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